Players must be able to provide a battlefield in case they become the defender. As generalship is definable as the skill with which generals adapt their troops’movements to those of the enemy and to the battlefield, varied and realistic terrain is essential for interesting battles. Since so little time is needed to paint DBA armies and the playing area is so small, players should invest time and ingenuity in making their terrain as visually attractive as their troops.
Unless a competition organiser provides preset terrain, the battlefield is produced by the defending player placing separate terrain features on a flat board or cloth representing flat good going such as pasture, open fields, steppe grassland or smooth desert. The defender bisects the battlefield twice at right angles to its edge to produce 4 equal quarters and numbers these 1-4 clockwise from the left.
The types of feature that can be used depend on those of the terrain in which the defending army historically normally fought at home. The defending player chooses and places 1-2 compulsory and 2-3 optional features from those permitted :
If terrain is: Compulsory features are: Optional features are :
ARABLE 1 BUA or 2 Plough. River, Difficult Hills, Gentle Hills, Woods, extra Plough, Enclosures, Road, Waterway, Scrub, Boggy. FOREST 1-2 Woods. River, Marsh, Gentle Hills, extra Woods, BUA. HILLY 1-2 Difficult Hills. River, Woods, BUA, Road, extra Difficult Hills. STEPPE 1-2 Gentle Hills. River, Rocky, Scrub, 1 only Gully, BUA.DRY 1-2 Rocky or Scrub. Dunes, Difficult Hills, Oasis, BUA.TROPICAL 1-2 Woods. River, Marsh, 1 only Gully, BUA, Enclosures, Road, extra Woods. LITTORAL 1 Waterway. Either Difficult Hills or Marsh, either Woods or Dunes, BUA, Road, River.
Includes those listed below as Bad, Rough or Good going and also BUA (see p.7). Each must fit into a rectangle of which the length plus the width totals no more than 9 BW. Every feature must be at least 1 BW wide at its centre and only 1 feature can be less than 3 BW wide at its centre. A Gully’s length must be at least 3 times its width. The length of other features must not exceed twice their width. BUA and Plough can have straight edges; otherwise all features must be a natural shape with curved edges. A city or fort can be combined with a larger hill also permitted, as 1 feature. Difficult (steep and/or rocky, thickly scrubbed or wooded) Hills, Woods, Marsh and Gully are BAD GOING, which slows the movement of, and is an adverse close combat tactical factor for, some foot and all mounted and may hinder shooting(see P.10). Dunes and Oasis are bad going except to elements of any type with camels. Rocky, Scrubby or Boggy flat ground, Enclosures (fields subdivided by stone walls, hedges, ditches or in Asia by paddy bunds), are ROUGH GOING, which slows move distances as if bad going, but is not a tactical factor and does not affect shooting.
Gentle Hills and playing surface other than terrain features are GOOD GOING. Plough is GOOD but changes to ROUGH if the game’s 1stPIP score is 1, due to heavy rain or crops. An element in more than 1 kind of going is treated as in the worst. All hills slope up to a centre line crest and give a close combat advantage if part of an element’s front edge is upslope of all of its opposent.
Include Waterways, Rivers and Roads. A Waterway represents the sea, a lake edge or a river too wide and deep to be fordable and is impassable. It extends 1-4 BW in wards from an entire battlefield edge and half its length must extend no more than 3 BW in from that edge. It can be bordered by a beach or flood plain extending up to 2 BW further, which is good going. A River must run from 1 battlefield edge to a different battlefield edge or join a waterway. It cannot be more than 1 BW across or longer than 1½ times the distance between its ends. It can cross any feature except a Hill, Dunes, Oasis or BUA. It cannot start or go within 4 BW of any battlefield edge except the 2 edges it flows from and towards. It is neither good nor bad going, but elements crossing it are often penalised in other ways. Its nature is constant along its whole length for the whole game and will not become known until the first attempt by either player to cross it off-road (see page 9). An element is defending the bank if it is entirely on land and its close combat opponent at least partly in the water. Roads can be paved or be earth tracks (best depicted as pale brown) created by frequent civilian traffic. They are depicted as less than a BW wide, elements moving astride centred on them rather than confined between the road edges.
A road must run from 1 battlefield edge towards the opposite battlefield edge, bending only minimally if desired to avoid terrain features. It cannot begin or end at a waterway edge, but Crosses Rivers by ford or bridge. It can end at a BUA on a waterway edge. It cannot cross a BUA except from city gate to city gate. A 2nd road must cross or join the 1st. Movement along a road is in good going and counts as straight ahead even when the road curves. Combat on it is in the going it is passing through.
The defending player chooses features from those allowed and places them. Those chosen must include BAD or ROUGHGOING or a River or Waterway, and cannot include more than 1 each of Waterway, River, Oasis, Gully or BUA, or 2 roads, or 3 each of any other feature type. Compulsory features must be placed first. Each feature is diced for. A score of 1 to 4 directs that it must be placed within that quarter. A score of 5 directs that the quarter is chosen by the defender. A score of 6 directs that the quarter is chosen by the invader.
Area features other than Plough or Gentle Hills must be placed entirely within that quarter. A lesser part of any Gentle Hill may, and all Plough and linear features must, extend into 1 only adjacent quarter. A feature that cannot be placed is discarded. There must be a gap of at least 1 BW between area features and between an area feature other than a BUA and any battlefield edge.
Players must be able to provide a battlefield in case they become the defender. As generalship is definable as the skill with which generals adapt their troops’movements to those of the enemy and to the battlefield, varied and realistic terrain is essential for interesting battles. Since so little time is needed to paint DBA armies and the playing area is so small, players should invest time and ingenuity in making their terrain as visually attractive as their troops.
Unless a competition organiser provides preset terrain, the battlefield is produced by the defending player placing separate terrain features on a flat board or cloth representing flat good going such as pasture, open fields, steppe grassland or smooth desert. The defender bisects the battlefield twice at right angles to its edge to produce 4 equal quarters and numbers these 1-4 clockwise from the left.
The types of feature that can be used depend on those of the terrain in which the defending army historically normally fought at home. The defending player chooses and places 1-2 compulsory and 2-3 optional features from those permitted :
If terrain is: Compulsory features are: Optional features are :
ARABLE 1 BUA or 2 Plough. River, Difficult Hills, Gentle Hills, Woods, extra Plough, Enclosures, Road, Waterway, Scrub, Boggy. FOREST 1-2 Woods. River, Marsh, Gentle Hills, extra Woods, BUA. HILLY 1-2 Difficult Hills. River, Woods, BUA, Road, extra Difficult Hills. STEPPE 1-2 Gentle Hills. River, Rocky, Scrub, 1 only Gully, BUA.DRY 1-2 Rocky or Scrub. Dunes, Difficult Hills, Oasis, BUA.TROPICAL 1-2 Woods. River, Marsh, 1 only Gully, BUA, Enclosures, Road, extra Woods. LITTORAL 1 Waterway. Either Difficult Hills or Marsh, either Woods or Dunes, BUA, Road, River.
Includes those listed below as Bad, Rough or Good going and also BUA (see p.7). Each must fit into a rectangle of which the length plus the width totals no more than 9 BW. Every feature must be at least 1 BW wide at its centre and only 1 feature can be less than 3 BW wide at its centre. A Gully’s length must be at least 3 times its width. The length of other features must not exceed twice their width. BUA and Plough can have straight edges; otherwise all features must be a natural shape with curved edges. A city or fort can be combined with a larger hill also permitted, as 1 feature. Difficult (steep and/or rocky, thickly scrubbed or wooded) Hills, Woods, Marsh and Gully are BAD GOING, which slows the movement of, and is an adverse close combat tactical factor for, some foot and all mounted and may hinder shooting(see P.10). Dunes and Oasis are bad going except to elements of any type with camels. Rocky, Scrubby or Boggy flat ground, Enclosures (fields subdivided by stone walls, hedges, ditches or in Asia by paddy bunds), are ROUGH GOING, which slows move distances as if bad going, but is not a tactical factor and does not affect shooting.
Gentle Hills and playing surface other than terrain features are GOOD GOING. Plough is GOOD but changes to ROUGH if the game’s 1stPIP score is 1, due to heavy rain or crops. An element in more than 1 kind of going is treated as in the worst. All hills slope up to a centre line crest and give a close combat advantage if part of an element’s front edge is upslope of all of its opposent.
Include Waterways, Rivers and Roads. A Waterway represents the sea, a lake edge or a river too wide and deep to be fordable and is impassable. It extends 1-4 BW in wards from an entire battlefield edge and half its length must extend no more than 3 BW in from that edge. It can be bordered by a beach or flood plain extending up to 2 BW further, which is good going. A River must run from 1 battlefield edge to a different battlefield edge or join a waterway. It cannot be more than 1 BW across or longer than 1½ times the distance between its ends. It can cross any feature except a Hill, Dunes, Oasis or BUA. It cannot start or go within 4 BW of any battlefield edge except the 2 edges it flows from and towards. It is neither good nor bad going, but elements crossing it are often penalised in other ways. Its nature is constant along its whole length for the whole game and will not become known until the first attempt by either player to cross it off-road (see page 9). An element is defending the bank if it is entirely on land and its close combat opponent at least partly in the water. Roads can be paved or be earth tracks (best depicted as pale brown) created by frequent civilian traffic. They are depicted as less than a BW wide, elements moving astride centred on them rather than confined between the road edges.
A road must run from 1 battlefield edge towards the opposite battlefield edge, bending only minimally if desired to avoid terrain features. It cannot begin or end at a waterway edge, but Crosses Rivers by ford or bridge. It can end at a BUA on a waterway edge. It cannot cross a BUA except from city gate to city gate. A 2nd road must cross or join the 1st. Movement along a road is in good going and counts as straight ahead even when the road curves. Combat on it is in the going it is passing through.
The defending player chooses features from those allowed and places them. Those chosen must include BAD or ROUGHGOING or a River or Waterway, and cannot include more than 1 each of Waterway, River, Oasis, Gully or BUA, or 2 roads, or 3 each of any other feature type. Compulsory features must be placed first. Each feature is diced for. A score of 1 to 4 directs that it must be placed within that quarter. A score of 5 directs that the quarter is chosen by the defender. A score of 6 directs that the quarter is chosen by the invader.
Area features other than Plough or Gentle Hills must be placed entirely within that quarter. A lesser part of any Gentle Hill may, and all Plough and linear features must, extend into 1 only adjacent quarter. A feature that cannot be placed is discarded. There must be a gap of at least 1 BW between area features and between an area feature other than a BUA and any battlefield edge.